Working Out Over Zoom: USC’s Free Fitness Classes

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve always wanted to try out USC’s gym/exercise facilities — but for one reason or another, I just never got around to it. I didn’t think it would happen under these unique circumstances, so props to USC for finding a way to make it happen. I was pretty excited to find out they had transferred a bunch of workout classes to an online format. Besides the fact that the classes are completely free and the sign-up takes like two seconds, what makes these classes particularly great is that everything being virtual takes away a lot of the anxieties that come with working out in public.

With so many different classes to choose from and an even larger group of instructors, there has to be at least one class you end up liking. So either head over to right now or read up on my own experience in each class to get an idea about which might be right for you!


MixedFit w/ Evelyn (5:00 - 5:50 PM, Thursday)

“This class is a people-inspired dance fitness program that is a blend of explosive dancing and boot camp toning. We dance to today’s hits and yesterday’s favorites while making exercise fun, easy, and effective.”

This class also takes place on Monday from 5:00 - 5:55 PM with Evelyn.

  • No equipment is needed to do this workout (not even a yoga mat), but I highly recommend having water and a towel handy. I did not and definitely regretted it. This goes for every workout class mentioned here too but especially the dancing ones. This was absolutely a full-body workout. Maybe it was because it was my first workout in a long while but I got tired, sloppy, and sweaty pretty quickly. Pushing through to the end was a struggle!!

  • It’s a pretty good song selection, mostly pop and hip hop songs designed to give you a boost right when you need it.

  • I’m a bad dancer but even I could sort of manage. The moves were very cheerleader-esque in my opinion, so I think it’s a bit more approachable than other types of dance.

Yin Yoga w/ Lindsey (4:00 - 4:55 PM, Friday)

“Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga in which asanas (postures) are held for longer periods of time than in other styles for a deep stretch and relaxation.”

This class also takes place on Monday from 7:30 - 8:25 PM with Lindsey and Sunday from 7:00 - 7:55 PM with Grace.

  • I think because I was still getting into the routine of working out, I wasn’t really “ready” for this workout any more than the first. I had to rush to get my mat and water all set out so I ended up missing a teeny bit of the warm-up. Most classes start the workouts right on time so don’t be like me — have everything prepped ahead of time to get the most out of the class!

  • Just like the description states, this class is all about holding long, meditative poses. The music was relaxing and the class as a whole served as a good midday refresher. 

  • Don’t stress if you can do all of the additional poses — I’m not the most flexible so I definitely didn’t. I could have just been sore from the day before, but I didn’t worry too much about my form either. There were times I stopped the stretch early and times when I held it longer. There were times I altered the pose a tiny bit too. The instructor encouraged stopping at your personal “stretch point” which basically means just listen to what your body is telling you.

  • I left feeling encouraged to stretch more and excited to return to USC’s virtual little yoga community.

Zumba w/ Kat (11:00 - 111:55 AM, Saturday)

“Latin and international music and dance come together for a dynamic and effective fitness class. No dance experience is required- just keep moving! Routines combine fast and slow rhythms that tone, sculpt, and inspire.”

This class also takes place on Tuesday from 6:00 - 6:55 PM with Kat, Wednesday/Thursday from 6:30 - 7:25 PM with Shira, and Sunday at 10:00 - 10:55 AM with Shira.

  • I felt super comfortable and encouraged in this class, largely due to the instructor. She interacted a lot with the class, stressing how she wanted everyone to leave feeling successful and how the emphasis wasn’t on being perfect. 

  • Compared to the MixxedFit class, this felt a bit more like stereotypical dancing than cheerleading. Still, there was a large variety of styles and moves. Maybe I was just a bit drained from previous sessions, but I didn’t feel like this class was crazy intense — totally doable! While some dances were a bit complex (a lot of detailed footwork), I got the impression that they were repeats of moves from previous sessions; in other words, the more you go, the more familiar you’ll be with the dances and the better you’ll be!

Classical Pilates w/ Maya (11-11:55 PM, Sunday)

“Using the foundational movements of classical Pilates to strengthen and lengthen the body with a focus on core stability. Walk out of class feeling taller, longer, and stronger.”

  • This workout was very core-centered and involved a lot of balance — no tools needed, just a mat, a towel, and some water preferably. A lot of the pilates classes rotate through the same moves, but compared to the others, this felt more like a straight-forward workout. This may be better for those who just want to specifically target areas of their body without all the extra frills.

Barre w/ Kim (8:00-8:55 AM, Monday)

“Barre classes begin with a warm-up focusing on postural strength and alignment, followed by a series of upper body exercises using light weights. The ballet barre or chair is used to sculpt the lower body, abs and for flexibility training.”

This class also takes place on Friday from 11:00 - 11:55 AM and Saturday from 10:00 - 10:55 AM with Kate.

  • As the name would suggest, this class involved doing ballet-like stretches and poses. I haven’t done ballet since like the 8th grade but I still found a lot of the moves familiar.

  • You’ll need to clear an area for this workout in addition to having a chair or some other sort of surface to anchor yourself with. Exercise bands and weights were also used, so it involves the most gear of all of them. It’s a bit tedious, but using bands and weights does allow you to customize your work out more: want it to be harder or easier? Just change the weight/resistance!

  • I didn’t feel like this engaged my core as much as pilates, but I did feel nice and stretched. I think this works well for a morning stretch-turn-workout, especially if you don’t feel like getting onto your back and stomach at the very start of the day.

Yoga Sculpt w/ Margot (10:00 - 10:55 AM, Monday)

“Yoga Sculpt combines vinyasa flow yoga, resistance training, and cardio. The hand weights add a new challenge as well as cardio exercises to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Come experience the benefits of mind/body focus, boost your energy levels, and have fun! Hand weights are optional but recommended.”

This class also takes place on Tuesday/Thursday from 8:00 - 8:55 AM with Emma.

  • This was probably the most intense of all the yoga classes. The beginning of the class is easy: about thirty minutes of meditative stretching and yoga poses. Since these classes typically happen in the early morning, it was a nice thing to wake up to. The tempo changes when weights are added in, basically turning it into a full-body workout. How badly your arms burn at the end will be dependent on how heavy the weights you use are, but the yoga stretches at the end are a nice cooldown.

  • If Yoga Flow isn’t intense enough for you and pilates not meditative enough, Yoga Sculpt would be a pretty good option!

Pop Pilates w/ Karin (6:30 - 7:25, Monday)

“POP Pilates is an energized workout that incorporates classic Pilates moves choreographed to your favorite contemporary pop music to help people of all fitness levels improve flexibility and tone their bodies.”

  • This class is similar to the other pilates classes offered, but what makes this one a bit different is the music. This is probably the better option for people who find it boring to work out or just need a little oomph as the added music makes the sessions a bit more energetic.

  • This is still pilates though so do expect to be a little sore the next day.

Power Pilates w/ Maya (5:00 - 5:55, Wednesday)

“Pilates just got an upgrade. Power Pilates is a flow of foundational movements infused with @HiPointe’s technique of strengthening and lengthening. Let’s get your heart rate up and your abs burning!”

  • This was a total full-body workout. I started this class ten minutes late and it still kicked my butt. It can be intense and the use of weights only adds onto that, but the instructor does mention alternative poses/workouts when things might be a bit too much for the average person. This is a class where I was especially glad it was virtual because I would have looked a mess in person. The workout, like most pilates I think, was very core-centered with arm/leg add-ons. Despite me being glad it was online, I did notice that a lot of people in this section had their camera on, more so than any other. It definitely felt like a community.

Yoga Flow w/ Grace (7:00 - 7:55 PM, Thursday)

“Challenge the mind and body with a moderately paced Vinyasa class that is dynamic and flowing. This yoga flow class is designed with postures to build strength, physical stamina, and flexibility. Suitable for all levels.”

This class also takes place on Tuesday from 5:30 - 6:25 PM with  Lindsey, Wednesday from 6:00-6:55 PM with Anna, and Sunday from 6:00 - 6:55 PM with Grace.

  • I was a bit worried about this class at first because right in the beginning the instructor described it as “intermediate to advanced” which I am definitely not, but I figured I could at least try. The level turned out to not be as intense as I was expecting; I felt I could manage it and think most people probably could too.

  • This was another class where a couple of people did have their cameras on and it was actively encouraged to do so. In this class, we repeated sets which I would call a mix of meditative moments and traditional exercises. There was a lot of emphasis on the process in itself, not necessarily the result. We were encouraged to push ourselves, even if the pose we ended up with wasn’t necessarily perfect. I really enjoyed it and it was probably my favorite out of all of them, a good mix of meditation and exercise; I felt both mindful and productive!

  • The last words from the instructor are ones that I want to share because I think they go for every workout mentioned before, regardless of the specific one you choose to do: “Thank yourself for showing up.” You don’t need to be perfect, you just have to try.

Participating in these zoom workouts is honestly the most consistent I’ve been in exercise since high school. There are so many to choose from, it seems impossible to get bored or not enjoy at least one. If you’re tired of one thing, just switch to another! If you didn’t quite enjoy one class, try another instructor! Plus, you know, it’s free. Even if by some chance you don’t end up liking any of the many classes, you won’t know for sure until you try them out!

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