How to Live, Laugh, and Love Through Midterm Season

by Kathryn Aurelio ‘25

Ahhh… that time of year strikes again. You’re balancing flu season, football tailgates, DoorDash fees, and, of course, all your classes that seem to have midterms that land in a two-day period. Although you can’t change your unfortunate testing schedule, here are some ways to live, laugh, and love through this nail-biting, anxiety-inducing, and heart rate spiking few weeks.

To Live

Your body is your temple and your vessel to take these tests and write these essays in the first place, so take care of it! Here are some tips to do so.

Meal Prep: Having to cook every single day (if you don’t have a meal plan), is just another bullet point on your list of things to procrastinate. Instead of surviving off of potato chips and water, set aside time on a slow day to prepare some hearty meals. Trader Joe’s offers pre-seasoned meat and salmon along with ingredients for salads and sandwiches to keep you going throughout the study week.

Self-Care: There’s never a time for ignoring self-care, between your Quizlet flashcards and essay outlines, throw on a facemask, get a sweet treat, and drink a bottle of water. 

Outdoor Pomodoro Method: The best proven study method with a twist: set a timer for 25 minutes, work on a task with zero distractions, take a five-minute break, and repeat three times. Then, when taking a thirty minute break, walk outside and smell the autumn air and move your legs — you’re probably suffering from the unpadded Leavey Library chairs already.

To Laugh

Whether you’re romanticizing your Hogwarts Doheny study experience or taking time to watch your favorite TV show, set aside time to have fun between your exams and on the weekends.

Positive Reinforcement with TV Shows: Like a mouse with cheese (thanks AP Psych), this methodology of rewarding yourself with entertainment is extremely effective. If you reward yourself with one episode of a show after completing a task, you’ll be kept in suspense for the next episode making you study faster to find out the answers!

To Love

Love is probably the most important aspect of well-being and life as a whole. A call to a family member can be the best cure for any stress!

Love Your Loved Ones: You’re only as good as you feel! And a dependable family member or friend can offer all the motivation you need to continue to strive for your degree. A quick five minute phone call can revive you from an uninspired zombie-esque state.

Spend Time with Friends: Expanding on the last point, your friends (for the most part) are also going through the same semesterly struggle. There’s nothing like shared trauma, so take some time to study together or share a meal between study breaks.

All of these activities are easier said than done, so don’t worry if you find yourself struggling to peel away from your textbook. Progress in improving balance in your study habits isn’t linear! Put yourself first and remember it’s just one exam, so live, laugh, and love!

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