Six Steps to Become a Sustainable Trojan

by Aedan Henry ‘24 (Guest Blog)

It’s time to take sustainability up a notch! In response to the growing climate crisis, USC’s Office of Sustainability has launched Assignment: Earth, a framework for creating a healthy, just, and thriving campus and world, with goals of carbon neutrality by 2025 and zero waste by 2028. The university is striving towards these goals with new initiatives to eliminate single-use plastics, encourage recycling, and conserve water accompanied by the Green Week campaign every fall.

But USC’s green future can’t be achieved without student participation. Based on the university’s “Super Six for Sustainability” tips, here are six ways that you can become a more sustainable member of the Trojan Family:

Take USC’s Online Sustainability Training

Explore how USC is working towards sustainability goals with Trojan Learn’s interactive training video. This training provides an in-depth overview of USC’s sustainability framework and will point you towards sustainable behaviors you can adopt in everyday life. It also highlights the sustainability-focused organizations you can join on campus and in the community.

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

Why put more bottles in the landfill if you don’t have to? USC has over 200 water refill spots around campus, including Assignment: Earth outdoor hydration stations. Locate them using the campus sustainability map and ditch the single-use plastics! 

Join the Supdate Slack

Stay up-to-date on sustainability-focused events, organizations, and opportunities around campus with the “Supdate” Slack space. Plus, look no further to find jobs, internships, research, and volunteer opportunities in up-and-coming environmentalist fields. So much environmental work happens at USC that it can be hard to find it all — until now!

Visit USC’s New Sustainability Hub

Located on the first floor of the Student Union building (STU 101), the Sustainability Hub is a brand-new, multi-use gathering space for collaborating on environmental projects. Stop by to lounge, study, and connect with other students interested in sustainability at USC.

Sign Up for a Free Metro Pass

Cut down on emissions by taking a bus or train instead of a car or rideshare! Starting this year, USC students can sign up for a free LA Metro U-Pass, granting unlimited rides on LA’s expansive public transportation network. Whether taking the E Line to Santa Monica or bus Route 2 a few blocks home from campus, it’s now easy and free for all students to travel without a car.

Sort Your Waste Before Throwing It Away

Lower your carbon footprint by recycling and composting your waste! USC provides labeled multi-stream bins around campus for recycling (bottles/cans/paper/plastic), compost (food/napkins), and landfill waste. Plus, students in USC Housing buildings — and most of the University Park neighborhood — can recycle from home. Know what goes where, and sort before you throw!

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Trojans 360 is USC’s official student-run blog. Content created by students, for students.


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