My Experience Taking 20 Units

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Course registration is happening now and the decision to take 20-units can be tricky. It is advantageous for those who have many requirements to fill, want to try classes in areas of interest, or even add a minor. However, it can also be challenging. This semester I am taking 20-units, so I wanted to share my experience!

Before I scheduled 20 units this semester, I was worried because I was unsure of the time commitment, the work-load, and the impact it would have on my schedule. School can be stressful and busy as it is, so naturally I was concerned. 

This being said, taking 20 units can be a great experience! I am glad I did it this semester because it has forced me to be more productive and helped me improve my time management skills. Plus, I still normally have an hour in my day to relax and unwind. Additionally, I am taking classes that I actually want to take and am learning more. Although I could have gone by with taking only 16 units this semester, taking 20 units has lifted some of the pressure off of me for my senior year schedule. If you are reading this and have no choice but to take 20 units, don’t worry! You got this! 

Before registering for 20 units there are a few things you should consider. First, do you have enough time in your day to be sitting in the classroom a bit more than usual? Taking more classes means there are more hours of your day that are blocked off. The times you do homework can move around, but class time is fixed, so you need to be willing to schedule this extra time into your week. Consider the impact that a busier day will have on you, especially if you have work or extracurriculars.

Related to this, it is almost guaranteed that you will also need to set aside more hours in your day to do homework. Often, the hours you need to put into homework exceed those of class time. Look at what is on your plate already, and decide if another class is even feasible. Read about the experiences of USC students who have already taken the class and see if you can get a gauge of the workload. 

Additionally, you should also consider your personal work and study habits. Know you limits and boundaries and realize that overwhelming yourself is not ideal. However, in my experience, although I have more work this semester than I have ever had, it is still manageable. This is in part due to the nature of my classes - some just have lighter workloads. If you take 20 units, I recommend making sure that at least one of the classes has a lighter load or that it’s something you at least know you will have fun taking.  

In summary:  

  • 20 units is doable and advantageous

  • Make sure you have a balanced schedule

  • Know you own work and study habits

  • Do not overwhelm yourself 

  • It’s better if you are looking forward to the classes you are taking 

  • Always prioritize your well-being and sleep

My personal recommendation is to go for it! Always remember, if you begin next semester with 20-units and you feel that it will be too much work, it’s okay to lessen the load. 

Here is breakdown of tuition and fees for Spring 2022. Without scholarship, each additional unit is $2,035.00. Taking 20 units is two units beyond the amount covered in tuition (12-18 units) so it would be $4,070.00 extra for the 2 additional units. Consider applying for the Academic Achievement Award, which grants registration of up to 21 units at the standard full-time tuition rate! 

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