How to Get Around Campus… Safely!

By: Kristen Adams ‘25

Because USC has such a flat campus, students enjoy getting around by bike, skateboard, scooter, and unicycle (yes, I’ve actually seen these around before). You name it, a student has probably used it to get to class. While using wheels to navigate campus can be a fun and fast mode of transportation, it is important to keep safety precautions in mind to avoid injuries and embarrassment on busy intersections. Last week, I had a friend wipe out on her skateboard outside the Village in front of her crush, which she has yet to emotionally recover from (even though she was physically okay).

As a USC student, you’ve probably heard stories of skateboard mishaps from your friends too. Of the more physically harrowing stories I’ve heard, I had a friend break her nose while learning to use a skateboard. Another was biking to work and got tapped by a car. To help you navigate these potential dangers, check out these important tips and reminders provided by ONE USC Safety and the USC Student Life Instagram page:

  • Only one rider per scooter or bike. While my friends enjoy going on joyrides on each other’s scooters, it is not a good idea to have more than one person on a scooter meant for one person. Accidents happen!

  • Use hand signals to indicate stops and turns. Hand signals help cars, trucks, pedestrians, and other bikes know exactly where you want to go and when you want to go, which decreases the chance of an accident. 

  • Register your bike with DPS to make your life easier if it gets stolen! My best friend lost her scooter freshman year, and she unfortunately never got it back because she never registered it.

  • Lock your bike or scooter to a stationary object or rack. Recently, I saw a singular bike wheel chained to a rack by Troy Hall with the rest of the bicycle missing – while this is definitely a very, very rare and unlucky case, you are more likely to lose your bike or scooter if it’s not chained to anything. 

  • Walk your bike at crosswalks. With the new diagonal walkway added near the Village this semester, crosswalks are about to get busy! On behalf of pedestrians: please walk your bike so that we can all get to class in one piece.

  • Refresh yourself on basic bike and scooter safety rules. For example, you should wear a helmet to avoid serious injuries; wearing a helmet is not cringey!

  • If you’re on a bike, don’t run people over. Nobody wants to get run over by a bike while speed-walking to class, especially at a busy intersection.

I personally enjoy walking to class, but even transportation by foot can present its own hazards if you’re not paying attention to what’s around you. If you have ever felt left out while everyone is on wheels (like I often do), enjoy this video

Remember to slow down, wear a helmet, and share the lane to keep everyone at USC safe!

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