Five 5-Minute Breakfast Ideas for College Students On the Move

by Kathryn Aurelio ‘25

As you snooze your seven alarms before your 9 a.m. class, throw on your clothes, grab your laptop charger, dash out the door into a lecture, and find yourself stuck in an endless cycle of eat, sleep, school repeat, let’s remember to take care of our health. It can be difficult when you’re on a time crunch to feed yourself (trust me, I went last semester only eating half a Barbell’s protein bar before my hour commute to work or my morning classes). So, here are some quick breakfast ideas that can be thrown together in under five minutes that will replenish your energy to start off your day happy and healthy:

Fruit Salad or Smoothie

Pop in your favorite assortment of sliced fruits into a container and you’re all set for part one! My personal favorite lately has been pineapple, apple, strawberry, and grapes. For a little more of a filling fruit-filled breakfast, here is my favorite smoothie recipe if you own a blender:

  1. Prepare your fruits:C add 1 ⅓ cup of fruit (fresh or frozen) into your blender cup.

  2. Add your dairy: Add enough milk (or milk substitute – my favorite is almond or even water will do), until you’re about ¾ of the way up your fruit, or, more precisely, around 1 cup of liquid.

  3. Protein + Sweeteners: I like to add extra protein so I stay full longer by adding Greek yogurt. I also like to add a spoonful of almond butter for a richer taste and a drizzle of honey for added sweetness. 

  4. Blend! You can always adjust the fruit/liquid ratio to get your desired texture from thicker and ice cream like to juicelike and easy to drink through a straw.

Pesto Egg (White) Sandwich/Wraps

These sandwiches or wraps are quick and easy to throw together and only require one pan you can quickly rinse and get out the door.

  1. Prepare your egg: I personally prefer carton egg whites for the speed, but a regular egg works just as well. Toss your egg into a saucepan and season to your liking – I use paprika and garlic salt! After your egg solidifies in the pan (not runny), flip the egg “pancake” style to cook the other side.

  2. Toast your carb: While your egg is cooking, you can multitask by toasting your flatbread/pita/bagel/etc.

  3. Prepare our bread with a spread: Get your toasted bread and spread pesto, tomato, or your favorite spread as intricately or haphazardly as you’d like before your egg is done. Then, place your egg onto your toast, and ta-da! You have your on-the-go sandwich to eat as you race to Taper Hall.


This easy take on a english muffin breakfast sandwich will have you out the door in no time:

  1. Toast an english muffin

  2. Microwave Trader Joe’s “egg bites” (they come in cheese and bacon flavor or cheese, spinachm and kale) for 60 seconds.

  3. Sprinkle some cheese on your warm and toasty English muffin before adding your egg bites on top.

  4. Grab some Canadian bacon or turkey slices to finish off the sandwich, and you’re ready to rumble.

The Perfect Parfait

Whether it’s Greek yogurt or Yoplait cup, this easy recipe is light on the stomach and in your hand.

  1. Open your yogurt cup, give it a quick stir, and eat a quick spoonful to make room for other toppings

  2. Toppings prep: Top your yogurt with sliced fruits, sunflower seeds, a nut butter, and some honey for the perfect sweet morning treat!

Breakfast Quesadillas a.k.a. Taco Bell Breakfast Dupe

If you have the willpower to decline a classic Taco Bell value menu breakfast quesadilla, here is a quick recipe to make it at home:

  1. Spray your pan with oil and scramble some (seasoned) egg

  2. Microwave your sausage patties and slice them into small pieces

  3. Set your egg and sausage aside and warm up your tortilla on your saucepan

  4. Throw some cheese onto the tortilla – as it melts, add your scrambled eggs and sausage on top of the melted cheese.

  5. Ta-da! You just saved yourself a walk to Taco Bell and $5.

With these breakfast ideas, you’ve got a whole buffet of quick bites that won’t slow down your race to class. So, next time you feel like sleeping in, consider giving these recipes a shot – your stomach and health will thank you for the upgrade!

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