Empty USC Fountains—Where did the Water Go?

By Emily Young MA ‘16


 USC is rich with traditions, but what happens when one of these traditions gets out of hand?

 Senior Fountain Run is a cherished tradition where seniors jump in USC fountains on the last Thursday of classes. The highly touted event is considered a rite of passage for soon to be graduating seniors.  Many students learned about Senior Fountain Run during USC admission tours and have waited four years to participate in the event.  On the eve of the event, seniors geared with swimsuits, floaties, and alcohol go barreling through USC’s fountains.

This year’s Fountain Run has been canceled by USC administration due to health risks and the cost to the school. In January at a SpeakSC Forum, USC administration started a conversation about canceling Fountain Run armed with last year’s facts.  The event itself cost the university $34,842 dollars in maintenance and repairs, along with an additional $16,280 to repair the Youth Triumphant statue that students tore off the fountain base.  Most concerning to the administration is the medical risks.  Running and climbing in fountains is already a safety hazard and adding alcohol to the mix generated numerous medical calls, with 3 people requiring immediate hospital care.  Also, alcohol led to other issues including sexual assault and human defecation in fountains.


 USC administration was well prepared for the unintended consequences of canceling the event. Students replied to the news with reactance.  An inherent freedom was taken away and a group of seniors planned an Unofficial Senior Fountain Run to take place the Thursday before Festival of Books.  Many students felt uneasy or were unaware of the planned Unofficial Senior Fountain Run.  Although in the past Senior Fountain Run was never supported by student affairs, there was a mutual understanding when the event would take place and DPS would drain and barricade dangerous fountains such as the Queens Court’s Inverted fountain and the Youth Triumphant fountain.  Students overstepping this understanding, especially before Festival of Books, were bound to face consequences. 

Luckily, administration intervened and drained the fountains Wednesday before any harm was done.  The damage would have reflected poorly on the school before the Festival of Books, an esteemed event that showcases USC in the Los Angeles community.  In response, USC administration has proposed an alternative, new tradition to take place on April 30th called “Senior Run” https://www.facebook.com/events/821989791217013/ 


Some students are planning an unofficial “USC Undie Run”at the same time. The event starts at 10:30 at Tommy Trojan with activities also taking place off campus on the Row. 


Many seniors—including myself—are bummed that Fountain Run will no longer be a tradition at USC, but I believe it will be fun to start a new tradition.  The Row never fails to disappoint and ultimately the most important thing is that you are celebrating the USC senior class accomplishments with your friends.  

I am curious to know if the fountains will be running for graduation.  They aesthetically add to the look and feel of campus and are one of the many reasons I love USC.  I understand that keeping the fountains drained is more environmentally friendly given the California drought, but if USC kept three fountains running I would choose: the newly remodeled Patsy and Forrest Shumway Fountain by Traveler, Tutor Campus Center Fountain because it seems weird to eat lunch there without it running, and the Anna Bing Arnold Plaza fountain (the Inverted Fountain in Queens Court) because it’s my personal favorite.


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