Calling All Dog Lovers: Corgi Beach Day 2018

By Danielle Collins ‘20

Do you love dogs? (The only correct answer is yes). Hundreds of dog lovers came together for Corgi Beach Day this past Saturday! I attended this magical event and wanted to keep sharing the corgi love. Read on to learn more about the event and see some ADORABLE corgi photos!


Corgi Beach Day takes place three times a year at Huntington Beach. It is run by So Cal Corgi Nation. 


The event is free and open to anyone who wants to attend, whether or not you have a dog to bring along. All dogs are welcome, not just corgis!


The event features: vendors selling corgi merchandise, food trucks, corgi Instagram stars, and more!


They also run some corgi competitions, such as a limbo competition and a coconut cream pie eating contest, where you can cheer on your favorite corgi!


The next Corgi Beach Day will be coming up on June 23rd, but there will also be one in the fall for those who aren’t in SoCal over the summer. 


For more information and to stay up to date on upcoming events, like their Facebook page!


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